Knowhow, wine talk & else
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A fresh way to approach travel or gastronomic wine experience is to sit down and to reflect on “What altogether happened?” Some memories are nice, some are nicer and some are even worth writing about.

Understanding Sapidity – the taste of something savoury in wines
All too often winetasters assume that freshness in wine derives from acidity, but this is…

The genius of Prosecco – why Prosecco is not running out of bubbles any time soon
The genius of Prosecco lies in its enormous popularity. Prosecco's message oozes lifestyle and goes…

I am sorry to tell you that my husband and I are very bad about food
When Ladies’ Home Journal in 1929 asked Eleanor Roosevelt to give her view on food,…

Champagne’s forgotten grapes reveal a potential for acidity and freshness
As a result of climate change, Champagne’s grapes are very ripe, with acidity decreasing in…

What’s wine typicity? Some words about the character of wine from a certain place
In France, they call it ‘typicité’, in Italy ‘tipicità’, in English typicity. What is wine…

When the wine is pulled, you have to sell it, unless the proof is in the tastevin
One of the most peculiar objects used to taste wine is a tastevin. Some sommeliers…

The tempremental queen of Condrieu, or Viognier in the Northern Rhône
The grape Viognier comes into its own in Condrieu. Condrieu is a tiny, white wine…